S&B Instant Tofu Miso Soup 30 grams
Japanese meal completes with Miso soup. S&B Miso soup contains flavorful soup stock with full of “Umami”, and Japanese traditional seasoning “Miso”. It has milder taste of Shiro Miso and Tofu, seaweed and green onion are added.
It comes as a dry powder in a separate packet (3 packets in a carton), you can enjoy Japan’s popular menu just by pouring hot water into a mug or a bowl with it. It is convenient not only to use at home, but also to bring within a lunch box, or a luggage for your travel.
Ingrediënten: Miso poeder (sojabonen, rijst, zout) (49.4%), dextrine, suiker, tofu (sojabonen, calciumsulfaat : E516, trehalose, gemodificeerd maïszetmeel) (6%), gedroogde wakame zeewier (4%), smaakversterker : E621, E631, E635, zout, gedroogde lente-ui (1%), zeewierpoeder, voedingszuur : citroenzuur.